Friday, September 23, 2011

Magic Mountain Mushroom Substrate Grain Spawn

Magic Mountain
Magic Mountain Mushroom Substrate Grain Spawn
by Out-Grow
2.3 out of 5 stars(3)

Buy new: $10.00 $3.50

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Review & Description

Magic Mountain grain spawn is for all grain/dung loving mushroom species. Simply inoculate with your favorite spores and allow to fully colonize at room temp for around ten days. Then you can break up your grain spawn and mix it with our magic Mountain Compost or your own bulk substrate for huge bulk mushroom grows. Our multi grain spawn is made up of many different types of grains and fortified with minerals for vigorous growth. We chose small grains for a couple of reasons. First of all when used as spawn there are thousands more inoculation points then larger grain such as rye berries. Secondly we are able to obtain these grains from a local farmer. Why is that important you ask? Well it is very important! By doing research we have found practically all commercially bought grains like from Wal-Marts or groceries stores contain high amounts of potassium iodine. This is a powerful anti-fungal, not good... By processing the grains allot of the potassium iodine is removed but not all. So we choose grain free of this additive and have found much higher success rates and colonization speeds then when using commercially bought grains. Our all natural fortified grain spawn is guaranteed to have the correct moister content. This is to be used with our Magic Mountain Compost for complete bulk mushroom growing. One pound of grain spawn is enough to spawn about 3 pounds of Magic Mountain Compost. Read more

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